I made this “about us” page all the way back in 2016 when I incepted my website and never updated it past the joke of it being a “work in progress”. I then linked a picture of a painting of Echo and Narcissus by John William Waterhouse you can see below.


The long and short of it is this; I’m just some random soul on the internet that started a blog page for the sole purpose of promoting his wife’s Twitch channel. Since fate has a sense of humor, the website now has long outlived the original thing it was created to do in the first place. Along the way it has evolved and formed into a random sort of hub for the obscure, pop-culture and lewder things on the web. More importantly everything you see here has a human touch behind it, with every blog post, Synthwave song, YouTube link and random errata being curated to some degree. At the end of the day, I hope you enjoy the content and just would like to extend an olive branch to a fellow human being on the planet who shares similar interests.

A final note I want to throw out there, is that I’m not into social media (nor see myself using it much anytime soon). So any person (or persons) out there that happen to use my handle or name is strictly coincidence and nothing more. My current official “channels” if you will is what I currently run on my YouTube, my Bio site (which is a Squarespace thing) and this website you see here. That’s it. Anything else is probably not me, so please take anything they say or do with a grain of salt. If you ever have questions whether or not I’m behind something, feel free to contact me via my official email.

Once my wife finally decides to pick a picture she wants plastered on the internet, I’ll post it here alongside my own. Until then, cheers and have a good day, evening, or night wherever you are in the world.